Firefly Tutoring Math Program
Our comprehensive math program builds fundamental skills & math reasoning ability. Our step-by-step curriculum fills in any gaps in your student’s knowledge base, ensuring a great foundation to build from!
Firefly Tutoring Math is a carefully sequenced curriculum that fully studies and explores each skill and concept in a specific order. Students master each area of knowledge and demonstrate skill and fluency before continuing to the
next level.
We take math out of the book and into real life. Students design and play their own math games and create their own story problems for other students to solve. All of our interactive math projects are designed to introduce, reinforce, and review the math concepts that students are learning.
We employ everything from art projects to jumping jacks in
our multisensory approach to
math instruction. These projects
not only are fun but also address
the needs of different
learning styles.
Homework-Help students
For students that are coming in during the school year to understand their curricula more deeply, we make those topics the top priority. In the times that no homework is given, we go back and fill in gaps that their schooling may have left in grades prior.
Firefly Tutoring finds clearly what works best for the student. We want students to feel like they are making a steady but challenging progression that builds their mathematical confidence!
For students in language immersion schools we make a special effort to tie the terms that they have learned in Spanish or Japanese to the equivalent terms in English. This helps address the disadvantage that immersion students face when taking standardized math tests in English.